Electron acceleration by a propagating short ultra-intense laser pulse in a low-density plasma has been investigated. El......
Light emitted by an atomic source of radiation appears to travel along a straight line (ray) from the location of the so......
The luminescence dynamics of a polypyridyl ruthenium II [Ru(phen)2(ip)]2 and 5,10,15,20-tetraphenylporphyrin (H2TPP) dy......
Ce3 /Er3 /Bi3 triply-doped yttrium aluminum garnet (YAG) is synthesized using co-precipitation method. The Bi3 concent......
A differential evolution approach for parameter extraction of solar cell from current-voltage charac
This letter presents an approach based on differential evolution (DE) algorithm for determining the solar cell model par......
Two-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations are taken to study the interaction of a relativistic, circularly polarized ......
Effect of various red phosphorescent dopants in single emissive white phosphorescent organic light-e
In order to realize single emissive white phosphorescent organic light-emitting devices (PHOLEDs) with three color phosp......